Okay, this is going to be a long post, with a really long story. First, I want to thank my friends and the strangers that defended me. Second, be prepared to read the most creepiest story that is 100% true.
About a month ago, I met a girl named COWGIRL101 also known as Jess. I was at the English Park when she came up to me. She kept complimenting me and was really kind. One thing I found odd about her was that she was constantly talking in caps. She wanted to befriend me. I said okay, but I had some doubts about it. A few minutes after becoming friends, she suddenly changed her Pico info to, "MY BEST FRIEND IS LOOFAH;D". I didn't bother to say anything about it. Of course, she was not my "best friend forever" because we just met, and honestly, I just don't like to have a best friend because I think it's unfair to choose one friend out of all my friends.
She recently changed her name to this. |
Today, things got really out of hand. I was at the Dance Street park with my friends. They left, while I was still there. Jess follows me, and we exchanged hello's. My friend ¢υτє єsρяєssσ~ followed me and we said hello too. Suddenly, Jess changes her look to look exactly like me (however, her eyebrows were too low). Immediately, I was upset. She exclaimed, "Look Loofah, we're twins!" I was not pleased at all. I kept telling her to change back, but she wouldn't listen. I asked why she wanted to look like me, and she said I was pretty, but I told her that her original look was perfectly fine. Espresso tried to help me by telling her to change too. Jess started calling Espresso mean and ugly. I was telling Jess she was being unreasonable and rude. Then Jess started insulting me on my look in real-life. She was calling me ugly in real-life, but pretty on Pico. I try to keep both lives separate, so I didn't care what she thought about me in real-life. We started a commotion when strangers and some of my friends joined in on the "fight". Jess was being rude to everyone by insulting them, even those that did nothing to her. Out of nowhere, Jess declares that I copied "her" look! Now she was accusing me of "stealing" her look. However, Jess created her account just last month on July 22nd. I've been around for two years, and I've had this look for months, so there's no way I could have copied her.
I hope you all know who's who, but for those that don't, Jess is on the left and I'm on the right. |
I kept trying to tell her that friends don't do this to each other. Friends don't backstab each other and lie in front of their faces. She was definitely not my "best friend". She wasn't to begin with, and never will be. She left the park, so I decided to go to her room and send her a letter and leave a message on her board. Some of my friends followed me and I explained the story to them. Jess came back and she started going insane again. She kept saying that she was Loofah and that I copied her. All my friends were trying to defend me. I can't remember all of them, but the few that did help me and try to knock some sense into her were ¢υτє єsρяєssσ~, Indigo♡, Katze., appℓєѕ ℓαттє, and Kαуℓα ℓαттє♥. Jess was going absolutely insane by randomly insulting people that never did anything to her. She randomly announced, "I can find something wrong with everyone in this room!" Of course, she was simply judging with no explanations. She was saying mean things to everyone. She even kicked one of my friends for sleeping on her floor! She was being absolutely unreasonable. She also threatened to hack people, which she was obviously just bluffing. Hacking is not easy, especially since she was still a newbie on Pico.
She was literally trying to steal my life. She changed her info exactly to mine too (except the details). She kept calling herself "cool" and "pretty". Her attitude was not cool or pretty. Even if she complimented my look being "pretty", if you don't have a nice personality to go with it, the looks are useless.
Her "new look" hasn't loaded on my screen so she still has her original look with my information on it. |
There was absolutely something wrong with this girl. She is obsessed with me. I have never met anyone this insane before. I usually don't insult others, but I am just so upset and frustrated with her. The whole time, I was trying to reason with her. I was trying to be patient as possible, but my efforts were useless because she wasn't even listening. She still thought she was better than everybody else. I kept telling her that friends don't do things like this to each other. Clearly, she was no longer my friend. Not only was she being disrespectful to me, but she was being disrespectful to my friends who were just trying to defend me. If anybody sees this girl running around with
my look, please be aware that she copied me and that she is insane. I'm just warning all you people to be aware of her. Do not get involved with her.
Once again, I want to thank everyone that stood up for me. Along the whole madness and chaos, I actually had a few laughs because her comebacks and insults were really lame and immature. I honestly kind of pity her. She was ignorant and naive. She even made up lies about being a "porn star" when she was only fourteen (and she was the one who was calling everyone a whore). This was definitely the highlight of my day.
*Sorry for some of the crude language in the post but I was just repeating what Jess had said.*