Saturday, January 28, 2012

Goodbye Justin.

   You all remember Justin right? The one that got diabetes and had a heart attack of which he almost died from.  Then there was this other time where he got in a car accident and almost got killed there.  So many times of which he has almost died, but this time, there is no "almost".
   A few days ago, Justin decided he was going to commit suicide on Friday (January 28th).  He wanted to overdose on pills.  At first, I encouraged him to kill himself while all his friends said I was crazy.  The thing was, I felt selfish for making him stay.  He had a horrible life and if he stayed, he'd only be suffering just to make his friends on Pico happy.  I didn't want that.  I just thought it was best if he left.  Now, I regret doing that.  I wish I could have convinced him to stay.  I didn't believe he would actually do it.
   Justin is one of the most special people in my life.  He changed my life so much.  He meant the world to me.  We had a brother-sister relationship.  Whenever I needed to vent, I would go to him.  Whenever he needed to vent, he would come to me.  He was like the perfect friend.  Now that he's gone, I don't know what I'll do without him.  He was my everything.
   With all due to respect, please feel free to visit Justin's room and leave him some candles and a message on his board.  I hope Justin rests in peace, and maybe he can see Kyle again.

1 comment:

  1. I miss him. I'm crying at 1:00AM, and I feel like I can't deal with my life. If you want to see what I wrote on his message board, please check it out. That's really summarizes how I'm living.
