Friday, April 20, 2012

4/20: More Than Just Another Normal Day

    We look at April 20th as another simple day, however, it isn't.  Three events that are well known today are National Weed Day, Adolf Hitler's birthday, and the Day of Silence.
    First, I will start with National Weed Day.  The day itself is pretty self explanatory.  It has to do with weed.  It's a day where pot smokers hunt for weed at 4:20 PM.  I have no idea who came up with this day, but whoever did was probably a really big drug addict...

    Second, it's Adolf Hitler's birthday.  For those of you who don't know who he is (which is sad...), he was the leader of the Holocaust in where six million Jewish people were killed because of their religion.  This man was sick and twisted in so many ways.  Six million lives were lost, just because they were different, and not "perfect" in his eyes.

    Third, we have the Day of Silence.  It is a day where we bring awareness to those who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender.  The explanation of the silence is the silence that they have to hide who they really are, because they are afraid of being bullied.  At school, a few of my friends participated in the Day of Silence where they do not speak to resemble those people.

    The most important event of this day is the Day of Silence.  As a pacifist, I am highly against bullying and harassment.  People are extremely cruel in the way that they have to bully someone else because they aren't "normal".  Just because they're different, they have to be laughed at.  There's this quote that my friend made up, who shall be anonymous, "If you're straight, then I must be crooked."  Whoever came up with the idea of calling someone "straight" because they liked the opposite gender anyways?  My friend and I came to the conclusion that since a line is "straight", it's perfect and only goes in one direction.  So apparently, people who aren't straight, aren't perfect then.  It's important to be aware of bullying.  Don't be a bystander.  Stick up and defend those who need it.  You could be saving a life here.

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