You guys don't let this just drift away or flow down a stream! Its time for a Post and I am going to make sure its a good one! Lately all I have been doing is this -let the GIF guide you-
I am sooo boring all I ever do is keep try to keep updated with One Direction, Ed Sheeran, Demi Lovato, and Everybody else who are my favorite youtubers ,singers, and bands. Oh my gosh! Its time to get to Ameba Pico!
Recently everyone has been quitting Ameba pico and none has been updating this cool blog! Thats so cray cray!I think by now all the members of this blog have quit! Don't worry guys I am a semi-quit and won't let this blog die after all this hard work thats like being I am too lazy to save someones life so I won't give them the suicidal hotline number! Noooo! I am going to get off my butt and save this blog from dying!
Look how many people have quit where have all my friends go?!?!
Now wait its going to start getting hard from here!
OH MY GOSH! there is way more than this but I a going to show you how i think they feel:
i'm sorry kat >.< i've been so busy with school that i can only come on on the weekends, and when i finally do get on pico, it's so laggy that i dont want to play it. playing pico seems so pointless now, even though i love all my friends on there so much. i'm sorry T~T