My friend introduced me to a new game a few weeks ago. Since Ameba Pico is shutting down soon, and is too laggy to play, we found a new game. This new game is called
Huoxing (if you click the word "Huoxing", it'll take you directly to the link of the game). Huoxing is a similar replica of Ameba Pico except it's a Chinese version, just like Ameba Pigg is a Japanese version.
Even though I am Chinese, I can't read/write it, so I'm just as lost as any of you are if you want to try it. It's really similar to Pico, and it just takes some clicking around to figure out how things work. Huoxing has the same currency as Pico (Gummies, Tokens, and Gold). To start off, they give you 5 tokens, which isn't really useful because there aren't many things in Huoxing that can be bought with a token. Gummies are even harder to earn in Huoxing. In Pico, you can earn from 5-10 Gummies for receiving/giving a ring, prop, or eating/sharing food. In Huoxing, you only receive 1 Gummie when someone else rings/props you or when you eat food. You don't receive any Gummies when you prop/ring someone else. I haven't really found out yet, but I think the only way you can get Gold is by buying. I haven't found a "earning" button yet. Many of the furniture and clothing in Huoxing are Gummies (there are more items worth Gummies on Huoxing than on Pico) and Gold, but most prices are between 50-500.
Although earning Gummies is hard and many things are quite expensive (but not as expensive as the insane Gummie prices on Pico), I have to say that Huoxing is much cuter than Pico. I think Pigg is nicer than Huoxing though.
This is what the screen of Huoxing looks like. |
There's an adorable Panda park. |
You can go fishing. |
The Totoro park is my favorite. |
When you start, Huoxing gives you several furniture and flooring/wallpaper. |
You even get your own garden. |
As adorable as the clothing and outfits in Huoxing are, I think my favorite part is the fact that you can interact with certain furniture.
Getting electrocuted when you click the refrigerator. |
Using the toilet. |
Sitting in the seat of the vanity allows you to change the face of your avatar. | |
Lifting weights. |