Saturday, November 17, 2012

Guys If you find hacks like this info us bc they coo'

Omg I been depressed like lately and what not. I went to New York City Dowtown in ameba pico so I can look around and use my tokens and then I saw this... AND LIKE WHO EVER MADE THIS I WANT THEM TO KNOW THAT THEY'RE FRICKEN AMAZING!

P.s. I am NOT !!! I repeat NOT! Talking to LOOFAH BECAUSE SHE HURT MY FEELINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What do you guys think about things like this that you seen around pico every now and then? I think its cool and this cheered up my day like by alot :)! Thanks for making me smile - Kat

1 comment:

  1. maybe cyberagent closed ameba pico because that (?)
    #sorry bad english u.u
