Friday, July 6, 2012

Loofah Haters

    I was already in a bad mood when I came on Pico, and after seeing some unpleasant posts on my message board, I'm feeling even worse now.  Here is what my message board looks like:

    Are you people serious?  What did I ever do to you to make you hate me?  Whoever this person is, he/she clearly has no guts to even use her own Pico account to come and insult me.  He/she decided to make 3 Pico accounts, just to insult me.  Can this person be anymore immature?

    I sent a letter to all three accounts, each saying: "What's your problem?"  After sending the letter, 5 minutes later, one of the three accounts showed up in my room, and immediately already calls me the "female dog".  I never did anything to him/her and he/she is already calling me mean things.  Way to judge me before meeting me.  He/she claims that I copied the Yes or No Game from somebody.  He/she was saying that her friends were calling me a copier and a liar.  First of all, everybody that knows me knows that I would never copy anyone, and I would never lie.  Second, I created the game through my sister's idea.  Before she gave me the idea, I have never seen it anywhere on Pico.  Third, I created the game for fun, not for popularity, therefore, I wouldn't need a reason to copy anyone.

    Everybody who is hating me for no reason are making up the excuse that I copied the game from other people.  I'm going to make it clear, I DID NOT COPY THE YES OR NO GAME FROM ANYWHERE.  If anybody created the game before me, or something similar, I'm sorry but I didn't know so you can't consider it copying if I didn't know anything about it.  This game was never even heard about until I suddenly made it popular.  Please, I really don't want to create any haters.  Don't accuse me of anything unless you have proof.

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