In my dream:
So I am going to go ahead and explain to you guys my dream I had but first you need to know Loofah's Other assistant, Kitty and your going to need to know a friend of ours Betsey. I will have betsey's picture at the end.Your also going to need to know Avatar the last air-bender.
In my dream:
Kitty hated me so much she would be super happy if I died she would throw a party and not regret throwing a party for my death at all.In the being of my dream I find a paper on the street and realized it was mine but it had a very special meaning to Kitty for some weird reason it meant alot to her But, It was mine and because it was mine I was sure not to give it to her.Kitty was best friends with Betsey . Betsey used to like me but when Kitty had came along they hated me. I was part of the avatar's crew like I was one of them and Betsey and Kitty were not. They would stalk me to try to join in the crew but I would tell them that they can't and so would the others.So on the street everyone lived on My family and I lived in a house while Kitty and Betsey's family lived in a house together on the end of the street.Later that day Kitty and Me got in a fight and I had that piece of paper she wanted so badly after we argued I told her Do you want it or not?!?!? and she replied YES! Then I threw the paper to the ground and walked away and screamed I hate living on this planet I hate living I want to die o.o' . I kept screaming and then Kitty cried because of what the paper said(By the way I have no entire clue what that paper said at all.). Then I layed outside of the house in the front yard at the corner of the house looking up at the sky all day to all night.Then at 1a.m. We had to go back inside and we had to put up alot of bikes for an unknown reason o.o . Even though none had bikes out that I knew of but, I was stuck putting up bikes with the person who hated me the most Kitty.Then we had to hide all our stuff like the bikes in the garage because like the bad guys were coming and then right before my eyes my dad was murdered with my family and the avatar crew came and we had to exit fast out of the garage before we were seen. So we went with the avatar crew. and obviously Kitty and Betsey had only one jealousy of me which was I was the one to be chosen to be with the avatars crew.Then out of no where we are climbing story's of stairs like 300 ft up and then I was with Toph from avatar and we were walking and talking then the stairs were old and abandoned and Toph was mini for some reason she was super small like a stuffed animal and the stairs broke and something was under those stairs o.o like giant rats or something and Betsey and Kitty didn't care wither Toph was off the stairs and they ditched us and follow the rest of the avatar crew.I helped Toph get up and stuff.Then we followed up stairs to these tables filled with people from avatar and Betsey and Kitty were sitting behind the Avatar crew and me.Then out of nowhere we were back on the street we lived on and I lived outside under a tree with none but myself and my dog I went to my neighbors to fed my dog and it was the only neighbor who Kitty and Betsey weren't friends with. After I fed him All the 'kids' were at Betsey's and Kitty's house in the drive way.So I walked down there and automatically we fought and they kicked me and punched me and beated me up so I walked away and lived on the streets and one day I walked away from that street. And Lived with people who helped me and one day I ended up in a foster home then I was looking back at what was Betsey had very very little liked me. So before I woke up I wrote a letter to Kitty and had written:'Want to be friends' in purple ink and the dream ended with her reply saying:' I hate purple. Calm yourself down(because I had written in 'capital letters') No we can't be friends. Bye.
That was the ENDING of my dream There were alot more stuff that went on o.o like there was a Dinner and this car part, and this party that occurred. Also there were alot of cursing in this dream but I couldn't put it in here on the blog. -w- and I AM ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD FRIENDS WITH BOTH OF THEM o.o Thats whats weird about it.
Well anyways here are my Beautiful Pico friends that were in the dream:
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