Monday, October 29, 2012

The End of Pico?

    I was on my Facebook when I saw PicoTalk post about Ameba Pico ending.

   I was really surprised when I saw this. I never imagined the day that Pico would be the one to leave us all, and not vice versa.  Since I already quit, it doesn't affect me as much, but it still upsets me that I spent so much time earning all my Ameba Gold and Gummies and then to just lose it all. I mentioned that I would go back on Ameba Pico every once in a while. It also upsets me that I don't get to even see my friends at all.  I can always still talk to some of them on Facebook, but it's just not the same.

    PicoTalk mentioned that Benry had created a petition to bring back Ameba Pico:

    To sign the petition, check out this link:

    I have a few of my own opinions and assumptions on this situation of CyberAgent closing down Ameba Pico.  In the information (first picture), the Pico Staff said that they were closing Ameba Pico because of "limited developer resources".  By that, I have a feeling that they meant they were low on money.  The way that online games earn money to be able to keep up their websites is by having the players pay for certain things.  The only way that Ameba Pico is making money is by us, the players, buying Ameba Gold.  Before I quit Pico, I realized that many prices were raising, whether it be Gummies or Ameba Gold.  CyberAgent was probably desperate for money, which is why they raised prices, in hopes of people buying Ameba Gold.  Many people would rather earn than buy, or do neither.  Because of this, CyberAgent doesn't have enough money to keep Ameba Pico going, so they have to shut it down.  I'm not sure if this is true, but it's just what I'm assuming.  Also, if this was the case, signing a petition wouldn't really do much honestly.  2,000 people are needed to sign the petition, but even if we do reach that goal, will that prevent CyberAgent from closing down Ameba Pico?  They still won't have enough money to keep up the game.

    I heard from my sister, who also plays Ameba Pico, that rumors were spreading around that this whole "Pico ending" is a prank.  Since Halloween is coming up, the Pico Staff decided to pull a "trick-or-treat" prank.  If that's true, that would be a pretty scary prank, but people would be grateful that Pico ending isn't true.  Regardless of whether it's true or not, if Pico is really ending, we should all be prepared for it.  We only have about two months left.  PicoTalk suggested that if you made some really close friends on Ameba Pico, that you should create Facebook accounts and add each other to keep in touch.  I've already exchanged phone numbers with some close friends of mine, and we talk on Facebook as well.  Of course, if you don't want to because of privacy reasons, that's fine too, but if you really want to continue talking to your friends, you can always try Facebook, or other online worldwide games and social networking websites.

    If Pico is really shutting down, I'll truly miss everyone for sure.  I've been playing Ameba Pico since 2010.  It would be a shame to lose everything I earned, both Gummies and Ameba Gold.  This is probably a reason why I never bought Ameba Gold, because spending money on a game that I wouldn't play for the rest of my life would be a waste (this is probably what most people thought also, which is another reason as to why CyberAgent isn't getting enough money).  I know I already quit, but I can't help but go on twice a month at least to just check things out.  This time, not only will I never be able to see my Pico again, but neither will anybody else.  It's really sad to say goodbye to Pico like this, especially for people who never thought about quitting, and those who just started the game.  Imagine the people who just joined Ameba Pico yesterday, and then suddenly today, they get the news that it's already closing down.  It's a shame really.

    As for this blog...The reason it was created was because I wanted to share information about Ameba Pico.  If it's closing down, there really isn't a need for this blog is there?  It would be sad to abandon the blog.  There isn't really anything else to write about, and who would read it then?

    Until the day that we figure out if Ameba Pico is really quitting or not, we'll just have to wait and see.


  1. This is like TinierMe. TinierMe is closing tomorrow (maybe it already closed a day early? I can't access my account on there), so maybe the same problem is happening with Ameba Pico. Like you, I quit Ameba too, so it doesn't affect me as much. I do have a theroy I think is the same to yours. If not, then similar. (this'll be a long one):

    It could be the fact that online gatchas are now banned on Japanese social gaming sites. According to a website, people are gambling with real money for "kompu gatcha" (complete gatcha). This line says "The Yomiuri Shimbun reported that the agency will ask social-network game operators to stop using the system because it prompts customers to pay excessive fees", meaning that gatchas are now banned because of the costs and how much people gamble on them. Like what you said, because prices have raised for online items and currency, people refrain from buying these things now. And also, if gatchas are banned, then I think more money will be lost because poeple gamble on them a lot, meaning the company makes a good profit out of them. Like TM (TinerMe), Ameba became a "money sink" as I like to call it. As more people refrain from purchase, the game company goes downhill and becomes bankrupt. So Ameba is possibly bankrupt.

    (I suddenly feel intelligent!)

    1. Guys my mum is the creator of pico she didnt shut it down but some kind of hacker somehow did well were making a new pico and it will be open soon we just need to like build everything we will be finesheing as soon as possible but just in cause it might open go to its english and everything good luck guys dont worry

    2. Are you being serious, your probably lying..

    3. She's lying about her mom being the creator of Pico, that's for sure. But I visited the link she put up and it's basically a reincarnation of Ameba Pico. It's coming in 5 days. (according to the countdown on the site...)

    4. Your mom aint the owner and pico closed because
      this girl met this guy and she said they should meet up so they did
      the guy tried to hurt her so the mom sued they might open again once they get finiacl business set up

    5. Well Anonymous is correct in some sources, some soures have said thet ambea was sued by a teenager's mother when she gave her address and the stae she lived in to a 30 year old posing as a 17 , promising to see her , blah blah blah he tried to rape her blah blah blah her mother sued ambea pico and they lost the case but i agree mostly with this case only because i never meet someone who can hack an entire site of they or truthfully couldn't provide more updates to the game

    6. According to many sources, it has been said that the game was sued by a teenager's parents after their child almost got raped from a man she met online. The part about them opening up once they get their finance together is a rumor. Along with the sources.
      The thing is, no one knows the real reason why the game closed because Pico didn't tell us. Pico only said that they lost funds and that's it. They don't tell us anymore specific detail.
      I think Jessica is lying (my name is Jessica, so you're in luck?).
      Even though lot's of people tried to say that Pico is coming back, It really isn't. We gave people our trust and Pico's not back. The only hope we have is Ameba Pigg (Pico in Japanese), so therefore you should go there rather than trying to retrieve Pico.
      Link to Ameba Pigg for those of you who want it:
      And that's all there is to be said.
      - Galatic McHollister.

  2. Adding to my last comment, TM is actually closing tonight at 3 (EST)

  3. Well your quite right here i think that person made a very good point but im sad pico closing :(

  4. Cyberagents making lies about not having the "source" the "money" They profit over 3 Millions dollars a year or something like not. They released their profit revenues on their site, which they conclude they would make nearly 300 billion yen in 2013/ thats nearly about 3-30 million dollars. At the end, it's all about taking people money, then closing it down. We all can file a lawsuit for our money back, even if they say no refund. We can sued the amount we spend.

    1. Regardless of the money, it doesn't matter anymore. No matter how many petitions we sign, I don't think we can change their mind. So many Picos have already quit, and whether Pico would still be around or not, we would all quit eventually anyways, so all the money everyone put into the game would be lost.

    2. Actually, Ameba Pico (America) was sued, therefore resulting in the 'insufficient funds' they mentioned before. I don't really want to talk about why they were sued, but it has to do with Stranger Danger. :/

  5. Hopefully It doesnt end, I quit because i got hacked ttho

    1. Guys im the creator of pico well my mum is the only reason why it got shut down because some hacker did but were making a new one okay we dont know when it will be open but oh yes it will open go to now!

    2. you should make for people who dont have facebook to!

    3. you should make for people who dont have facebook to!

  6. I'm going to really miss Pico,but these past few months it's felt more and more like it was already gone,and the developers are just now realizing it.

  7. I really hate Pico closed down :( I wish it never had! Now I feel lost trying to find something else to play that's like Ameba Pico, but I can't find anything besides Pigg! Plus, I can't speak Japanese :(. So that's pretty much it... I'll be looking some more for some stuff that's like it but.... I'm not the "lucky" kind of person. I'll post to the blog if I find anything interesting.! :'( I
    m almost going to cry :'''(

  8. please dont shut down ameba pico i love that game it meant every thing to me :( iff i dont have ameba ilol die i really love this game i hope this helps but if its gone its gone i can stop it :( please down shut it down i need it thats wat mi blood is made of im crying this very moment

  9. I have met soo many friends in Pico from all around the world and it's really opened my eyes to everything that has been happening. I love when my friends on Pico tell me about their lives.. It's so interesting. Please don't take that away. I've spent so much time and money on my account, never mind my friends on there too..

  10. Guys my mum is the creator of pico she didnt shut it down but some kind of hacker somehow did well were making a new pico and it will be open soon we just need to like build everything we will be finesheing as soon as possible but just in cause it might open go to its english and everything good luck guys

    1. jessica tell your mum she likes big black diks

  11. The hacker was Tomley. If Tomley was rich and had a lot of fans, Why would he hack Pico? :|

    1. no way! tomley is very innocent! why would tomley hack pico?! the truth is pico closed down not because of cheaters and hackers. they closed down because of a mother of a teen who hunted them down. it all started when her daughter first got into ameba pico. she met a guy who was a bit interesting to her. shortly after they met the guy decided for them to meet in the real world. after that he told her his adress and phone number and lied about his age. he told her he was 17. and yet she believed him! after that she decided she'll meet the guy. when she got to her house she almost got kidnapped/raped by the guy who was actually 40 years old! so the mom told them to close down. stupid girl why did she believe the guy?! its all her fault that pico closed down. >:(

    2. how about we hunt the teen's mother?

  12. I hope it comes back, because I grew up with pico! Then I got hacked, so I took a long break and today, I decided to start playing again.. then I watched videos and read several blogs, about how it shut down?! NO WAY! I'm crying because, I had amazing memories playing this game, aside from being hacked. My grandma was like a mom too me. She bought me ameba gold all the time! And watched me play. Helped me with things on that game. Made amazing people. I even was known as the " ameba pice HELPER " I was a social worker there.. WILL IT COME BACK??!

    1. lol ur stupid :) nobody cares bout you

  13. omg i cant believe i just found out about this blog...

    amazing posts, and i really wish you wont abandon this blog.
    although pico died, but the memories with friends can never fade away. all the photos we took are still here. yes i agree, talking to them on facebook/tinychat/skype/facetime/imessage is completely different (I tried all those, and none of them felt the same way as pico)
    but remember, pigg is always another choice.
    i brought all of my old friends to pigg with me, and made so much more new friends.
    and we dont have to worry about pigg closing down because as far as i know, almost every japanese player buys ag on a weekly basis, pigg earns a lot, like really.

    anyways, i guess what im trying to is that, the end of pico just means the beginning of something new, new memories, new experiences. we can choose to keep our old memories, and make new ones, so why not?

  14. OMG im so happy pico closed finally no more bragging about your ameba gold and stuffs ahaha you guys are stupid cnts anyways :P

  15. It closed beacause some girl in America called Tabitha Lang got tracked down and kidnapped because some pedo saw her pico profile and got her facebook off it and tracked her down from there! but there is a new pico 2 this month i think

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. i missed Ameba Pico so much. i don't really like the game of LinePlay @sob

  18. i fucking miss pico

  19. I really miss playing this game. :'(

  20. I miss this game...

  21. I really miss pico although I play pigg, it has a unique vibe that no game can replace

  22. Ameba Pico is better than roblox or any new social gaming sitess

  23. Hi, I'm from 2024. There are many games that looks like or better than Amoeba Pico, but I still missed it. It was my only childhood :'( I also didnt have a chance to get all my online friends contact before it was shut down. I missed them all. I still wish ameba pico will be opening soon, even though it would be impossible.

  24. Hi, I'm also from 2024. I'm currently 19 years old and still devastated to this day about Pico closing. It was truly the game of my childhood.

  25. good luck with our lifes, and never forget about this memories :') thank you
