Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stop Changing Pico!

    Last night, I was playing Pico when all of a sudden, the screen went gray and it said to refresh.  I refreshed and there was a Pico Maintenance.  I thought, "Grr, I want to play, but the maintenance could mean Pico is creating something new."  I was excited until I came on Pico today...
    Everything is so different, and I hate it.  Pico is constantly changing, and changing for the worse.  Even my friends agree it's awful.  We all miss the old Pico ):

 It took me ten minutes until I finally found where the Events went.  They were in Travel...

 I can't see any of my friends' faces );

Why did Pico need to make a separate section (Ranking) for the Hot 30 and Favorites?

    All these changes are unneeded!  Why doesn't Pico make some better changes instead, like more Gummie items and make earning Ameba Gold easier?
    When I heard about the 2nd Anniversary for Pico, I couldn't wait because I remembered last year had some really cute things.  Then I went to the park and saw that everything was Ameba Gold!  Honestly, the Clown Theme doesn't seem very creative.

The outfits are so cute, but when you don't have Ameba Gold, you just get discouraged.

    So many Picos are quitting Pico because of these constant changes.  Come one everybody, we should let Pico know to stop changing and bring the Old Pico back!  Send Pico letters and comments on their new changes!  Maybe we can bring everything back to normal!


  1. They aren't creative. They copy Everything from Pigg. Pigg is Japanese Pico, which gets everything first. Well all get the things from them. Like really, what does milk and cherries have to do anything about PICO? SERIOUSLY, BRAV.

    1. Yeah, I've tried Pigg before, but that's too complicated for me lol. But everything on Pigg is so much cuter! Pico was created so any person in the world could play. Pigg was mainly created just for Japanese people, so Pico was derived from Pigg. Pico is not technically or intentionally trying to copy.
