Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Stop Stereotyping the Word "Emo"

When you look at this picture, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Most people would say emo.

Let me ask you this, what is the definition of emo?  Probably 97% of you would say, "Someone who is emo cut themselves, wear dark clothing, have poofy colorful hair, and wear dark eye makeup."
Well that is 100% false.  The actual definition of emo is a person who is sensitive and emotional.  A person who is emo tend to be really sensitive and get emotionally hurt easily.  Originally, emo was a genre of music, not even a style to begin with.  If you think the way a person is dressing looks "emo", you're probably referring to "scene" or "goth".  Those are styles.  Please do not stereotype the word emo.  I find it highly offensive to people who are deeply depressed, because people who do label themselves "emo" don't even know the true meaning of it.

Also, people who call themselves emo usually aren't.  In fact, they seem to be proud of being "emo".  A person who is truly emo would never consider themselves emo, and aren't proud to admit they are depressed or cut themselves.  I've came across people who actually call themselves emo just because they cut themselves, or have "emo hair" and "emo clothes" which don't really exist.

So I'm just putting this out there for you people who stereotype this word.  Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

  1. Okay so I completely agree with this opinion a the word emo had a connotation and meaning now then it ever was meant to. I, myself being someone struggling with o.c.d anxiety and depression have a hard enough time hiding my scars from the judgmental eyes of the kids at my school without the added burden of a label. I choose to dress in an upbeat style so less people suspect I am in a constant battle against myself with self injury but as you can probably imagine, my efforts can only go so far. I appreciate and share your viewpoint on this unnecessary and hurtful stereotype.
