Thursday, May 24, 2012

Clash of the Pico Alliances

    I've noticed before that some of my friends have joined something called an "Anti-Snooki Alliance".  As most people know, a "snookie" would be considered a person who likes wearing the ninja suit, having a guitar, the gothic blazer, the bunny slippers, and/or the old dandy cap glasses. I was highly against this because I hate labeling people.  Then I was informed by Kitty today that there was a guy who created an "Anti Purposers Alliance".  Apparently, this guy, Bacon, labeled people who have fishy lips, cat lips, and/or big eyes, a "purposer".  The definition of his own coined word is "a Pico character who looks ugly on purpose."  What kind of definition is that?  Why would anyone try to look ugly on purpose?  First of all, ugly doesn't exist, because we're all beautiful in our own way.  Second, why was he labeling these people?
    The term "snookie" has been around for a long time, and it is considered an insult in a way.  This newly coined term, "purposer", could end up being spread around and used.  I'm afraid that this word might actually stick to people's heads, and they will start using it.  STOP LABELING EACH OTHER.  Why must we be given a label?  Why do we have to be categorized and given a name by the way we dress or act?  We're all still human aren't we?
    I fear that these two alliances will end up clashing and causing a big problem all over Pico.  Wasn't Pico created so that everyone can make friends with each other?  Pico wasn't created so that we can criticize each other and fight with each other.  Everyday, cyber-bullying happens on Pico because we can't get along, and almost all the time, it is started because of who we are/what we're labeled with.
    Feel free to check out these two blogs.  Anybody who reads this, share this with your friends.  DO NOT PICK A SIDE.  Joining one of these alliances will cause you to create many enemies.  Don't allow yourself to get pulled into any problems that can cause drama, or issues for yourself.

The Anti Purposers Alliance Blog:

The Anti-Snooki-'vs Blog:


  1. Well If You Think About It, Its Only Fair.. "Purposers" Gave The Label To "Snookis" First, So Wouldn't It Only Be Equal If They Came Up With a Label For You In Return ? Sort Of A Revenge Type Thing. And I Know It Would Be The "Wrong Thing To Do" But Honestly , Id Do The Same Thing. :/ Its Only Human.

    1. Look, we, "Purposers" gave those people the name "Snookis" because we are giving a name to people tht are the bullies in pico. So you said you would do the same thing right? Well haven't you heard people everywhere on TV say "If someone hurts you,don't do the same thing. It will just keep causing conflict." It's also a bullying life lesson too. It is a human thing, but honestly, it shouldn't be a human thing.

    2. It's all over now, so please don't bring this subject back. We should just all get along, regardless of how we look. People shouldn't be defined by looks. We're judging each other on a virtual character, when 90% of us don't even look like that in real life. We're entitled to look however we want, so nobody needs anybody else insulting them.
