Sunday, April 15, 2012

Don't Fall For This Scam!

    Many Picos may not be aware of this, but there has been a scam going around.  Some people may tell you to click their URL and earn Ameba Gold to help "donate" to the Indonesia earthquake, or any other excuse.  This is not real!  I repeat: NOT REAL!  Their URL leads to a page that looks like what your page would look like if you were earning Ameba Gold.  All the offers are there, where you can earn Ameba Gold.  This is THEIR Ameba Gold page.  So whatever you earn, goes to them.  No, not to Indonesia, not to poor people, not to kids in Africa, but to these selfish Picos, because they are too lazy to earn for themselves.

                           Jσhииу♡™Śam created an event so other Picos would earn Ameba Gold for him

                                           His Pico profile information is a complete lie!  Don't fall for it!
                                            His language area may say PicoAdmin, but that is not real.

                                           This guy even got his friend to help him!  How could she?!

                                          It's supposed to say, "Come to my room and click Johnny's
                                              URL for donations.  Think about the poor people =( "
                                              Help the poor people my butt! (Sorry for my language)

    This is a warning!  Please be aware of this and share this with your friends!  You're not helping anybody but these selfish Picos.  Don't fall for this scam.

1 comment:

  1. He hacked me! One day I came on to find out I was acked and he came and said he hacked me!
