Thursday, April 5, 2012

'New Gacha.. 3000 gummies' Worth it or not?

Hi guys.  It's Kitty.

I'm here to discuss this 'new' gacha/gauge thing.
It appears that the Smilie Gacha costs 3,000 gummies.
And now you can bet your well-earned gummies on playing the Pico games like:
  • Math Battle
  • Reversi
  • Janken
  • Card Match
Do you think this seems fair? If not, than you're not alone.
But I am here to say they don't have a bad idea, it's just they could've made it a little more fair.
When I say this, I think the new Smilie Gacha could be AT LEAST less than 1,000.
I think this because some people are just not the best at the games, but really need gummies.
And let's say that they bet everything they had... which would lead to about let's say 500.
There's a good chance that you could lose if you get too cocky, which in my case happens a lot.
But it's mostly 50-50.
If you know how to play the game, than there should be no problem at all!
However, if you DON'T know how to play, than where would all your well-earned gummies go?
That's right. Down the drain.
Plus, the new gacha doesn't look very worth it. Except for the hoodie. But what's the chance that you'll get it?
 I know I seem a little negative, but let's be real.
Just putting it out there.
And think about what I'm saying.

See you guys later :)


Here's a picture :3 Bye!

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