Friday, July 6, 2012

First Letter!

Hi everyone!
I'm so excited because I got my first letter ever!
(for the questions. If you scroll down a little, then you'll see the post I made about asking me stuff.)

Dear мαʟfσyღ,
It's awesome being an admin! Loofah and Kat inspire my posts and writing. It's an experience that I think everyone should try. Making a blog is a great way to express yourself through words, it's actually pretty amazing. Sometimes you can make up your own stories here in Pico, or from real life! This  blog is made up from different categories, like recent news, fashion (BTW, check out Loofah and Josie's fashion blog!), drama, friends, relationships, etc. It's a lot of fun too. Sometimes  we post funny stuff, or really serious stuff.         But overall it's, like I said, amazing.
Thanks for the very first letter, мαʟfσyღ!

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1 comment:

  1. Cool! Thanks for answering =3
